Author Rosarium Philosophorum

100.00 EUR
  • Author Rosarium Philosophorum

Author Rosarium Philosophorum
Seals of the Philosophers series 2020

Ink on Khadi paper

approximately 21 x 29cm

Please note that Khadi paper is handmade cotton paper with deckle edges and a rough surface. The resulting minor asymmetries and imperfections are part of its charm and not a defect.

About the series

This series of emblems comprises 160 separate images, deriving from Johannes Mylius’ vast compendium spanning over 3000 pages.

Each emblem is dedicated to a historical or mythical figure of alchemical lore. The symbolism attributed to each may be the stuff of legend, but they tap the rich seam of 17th century alchemical art and literature that formed the basis for both spiritual development, and practical, medical and chemical discovery.

Mylius’ mammoth work, the Opus medico-chymicum (illustrated with copperplate engravings by Matthew Merian and first printed by Lucas Jennis in 1618), has never been fully translated. It was reprinted and popularised by Daniel Stolcius in his Hortulus hermeticus (1627) at Jennis’ instigation, and many scholars mistakenly attribute the compendium to this edition, rather than to Mylius.

Sasha has redrawn this emblem series in pen and ink on handmade cotton Khadi paper. Both paper and ink are archival quality.

Working from the miniature facsimiles in Stanislaus Klossowski da Rola’s The Golden Game, Sasha creates all the designs freehand in pencil, with no tracing or printing. She then completes the linework in pen and ink.